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Around Boston: Impressionists on the Water

Around Boston:  Impressionists on the Water Looking for an activity to add some life to winter?  Take in “Impressionists on the Water” at the Peabody Essex Museum (PEM) in Salem.  Hurry, the exhibit ends February 17. This great exhibit adds a layer of depth to a well-known subject by exploring the experiences of the artists on …Read More

The New MyRA Account: Good Idea?

The New MyRA Account:  Is it a Good Idea? In his State of the Union speech Monday night, President Obama announced a plan to create a new type of retirement savings account:  the MyRA. The details are still emerging, but here’s information from the White House: annual savings limit: $5,500 ($6,500 age 50+) income limit: …Read More

Big Ideas: Thinking Robots

Big Ideas: Thinking Robots How will technology change our lives in the next 20 years? Let’s look back 20 years to 1994: Yahoo and Google did not exist, and the (primitive) web was used by techies and researchers.  Mobile phones were big, expensive and just made phone calls.  The term “social media”  meant reporters who …Read More

Big Ideas: No Poor Countries

Big Ideas: No Poor Countries In his foundation’s annual letter, Bill Gates makes this prediction: By 2035, there will be almost no poor countries left in the world Mr. Gates makes a compelling argument that we have overlooked the massive economic, political, and social progress in countries that we regarded as desperately poor.  He attributes …Read More